- List of Virtual Seminars and Conferences Relevant to the ORMS Community
- Mixed Integer Programming Workshop, May 18, 2020
- IPCO Summer School, June 6-7, 2020
- Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, June 8-10, 2020
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, National Harbor, MD, USA, November 8-11, 2020
- Optimization Online, an eprint site for the optimization community
- OR StackExchange, a forum for asking and answering OR/MS/analytics questions
- Bibliography on Optimization, containing BibTeX entries for many optimization papers
- Open Optimization, an open-source initiative hosting notes, slides, examples, code, figures, and more
- COIN-OR, a repository of open-source software, including Clp (LP solver), Cbc (IP solver), and more
- SCIP Optimization Suite, providing one of the fastest non-commercial MIP and MINLP solvers
- JuMP, a modeling language for mathematical optimization in Julia
- The Cutting Plane Game by Gonzalo Muñoz